Hi there. Sorry it’s been a bit silent here on the eastern front. Jayson was gone up to Pune last week and he is the brains behind the blog operation... I could learn, but sometimes I live by the motto: “If someone else can and wants do it, why should I?” Pathetic I know. But it works well. Example: My mom’s spring cleaning. My friends taking pictures of my kids at group events, because, well I forget the camera at home, there are no batteries or I simply do not have the patience for getting a good shot. My grandmother sewing super-duper-hold-for-a-lifetime patches on jeans. Alright, enough insight into my lazy bones.
We had a good week without the husband and daddy around. So much better than the first time he left. I was a mess last spring. New to India and Husband/Daddy gone is not a good mix for this scaredy cat. This time, I was fearless mommy. At least during the days. The night I work myself up in a bit of tizzy. So the way I medicated the problem was dragging our bed into the living room and falling asleep to the BBC version of Jane Austen’s Emma. Great movie, when you are wide awake. Calming, lullaby when you are at all sleepy. It worked like a charm.
Here’s Jayson on his week in review... Since my wife is Miss Chatty Kathy tonight, I’ll keep this short. I had a great week in Pune - a mix of vision casting, brainstorming, team building, and having fun as a staff. We had interruptions with trouble at a government home and a bummer trial, which are always a potential in Pune, so I also got to see the team in action. The Pune team is sold out in their desire to get girls out of prostitution and to a safe place with a future. I’m proud to be working alongside them.
Alrighty, Thanksgiving is in two days... Is Thanksgiving celebrated in India you ask? Well, not so much for India nationals. But for Americans living in India - a resounding yes is heard from the rooftops. In the States, I barely knew where our family was going the weekend before Thanksgiving. Surprisingly though, we got two invitations back in August. I think that planning ahead is our way sometimes of fighting homesickness here... So we are going to one celebration on Friday night and one on Saturday. The kids do not have school off. Why don’t they cancel school for the 12 Americans at school? C’mon guys, have a little compassion. I am bringing chickens (turkeys here cost 5 US dollars a pound... woah nellie!), potatoes, stuffing, veggies, pies and my grandmother’s buns. That last part sounded funny, not her buns... her rolls. Well, that doesn’t sound good either. I am bringing buns. Better? Kind of.
Good grief, moving on. So, the best thing happened yesterday. Well, let me back up a bit. So, I love Christmas cards. I beg for people to send me theirs. (Hint, hint.) Anyway, we had one particular gentleman from Rockford, IL, where Jayson grew up, that would always be our first Christmas card sender. Usually a day or two before Thanksgiving... Well, guess what showed up yesterday - HIS CARD! Do you love that or what? I nearly cried... Oh wait, I did. Other fun things, fun people rather. Jayson’s folks are coming in tomorrow. We are so grateful that they are able to come and see our world here and spend time with us. And they are right in time to help us move... every parents’ dream. :) So, next blog you can see pictures of them and our move to the new house.
That’s it for now folks. I would love to hear what you are all doing for Thanksgiving. Please leave a post on the blog. It would really be so great. Also, because I know you are dying to send us a Christmas Card, here is our new address.... Well, I don’t think it would be wise to post it... "Would it Jayson?” - Jayson, “Umm, it already is.” - Tarrah, “Really, do we want everyone in the world to know where we live?” - Jayson, “Umm, I guess not.” So, the next best thing would be for us to send our address to you if you either email us or post on our blog that you want it and we will send it lickety split.
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There are a few of you who have asked how to leave a post on the blog. Here’s how. Click the link just below that says “# comments”. Type your comments in “Leave your comment”, then pick one option under “Choose an identity” (If you don’t have one, just choose “Anonymous”, and click “Publish Your Comment.” Done.
j.g.? he is something amazing to find us palms year after year ...i mean, it doesn't matter where we are, he always finds us and sends cards. i love that his xmas card made you cry today, t. that's pretty fantastic :)
i just got mine today as well!! SO great...the consistency and thoughtfulness of that man. has he any clue that his card is such a hit? i sure hope so...would likely bring him much joy!
so, mom and dad are around the corner from ooty but now, eh? i really can't believe that right now, mom and dad are on some taxi somewhere in india. i wonder how they are doing? hopefully wonderfully!!
well, my thanksgiving plans, you ask? i'll be chillin with the fam. at the fizzells this year. SO excited to have the whole day just to be with everyone...and likely, we will be calling you all in our morning, your tgiving evening, to celebrate "together"
...well, i'm being a comment hog so i guess thats all i'll write for now. loved the post, once again...buns vs. rolls (i mean, if there was such a competition) i'd have to go with buns ;)
Thanks for the update and great post. I've been meaning to give you guys a heads up that about 3 weeks ago the boys and I sent your kids a surprise party pack in the mail. We hope they enjoy it as much as we enjoyed putting it together. Happy Thanksgiving! We have so much to be thankful for!
Steph Arnold and family
Hi guys,
I'm going to my Aunt's for lunch tomorrow (on my mom's side) and then out to the cabin in Cambridge through Saturday night. We will have another turkey meal on Friday and celebrate our brother-in-law Aaron's 30th Birthday on Saturday night (probably pizza!). Looking forward to getting away for a few days - Pete is coming off a stressful few weeks of an annual exam, annual review, and research presentation. Maybe I will get to talk to him a little! :) Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Hi Palms,
Just to let you know, Grandma had people asking where your blog was this week. It's like getting the newspaper . . . if it doesn't come, you really miss it! Of course I would like your address but I am sure I can get it from Grandma. She is going to your parents this weekend, Tarrah. Larry and I are having the kids (his and mine) to the farm for the day. Yes, I am cooking the turkey but I bought the buns. I guess I could freeze them and do the right thing . . . make Grandma's!
Have a great weekend and move.
Aunt Sue
Hey, Palm family!
We love reading your blog updates each week and seeing pictures of your adventures in Ooty. :)
We are hosting a Thanksgiving celebration this year for family/friends in town. One of our attendees is a vegetarian and several others have food allergies, so we're getting quite creative with our meal planning.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Sara and Jay
Hi Guys,
I follow your blog pretty faithfully, but rarely comment. However, that does not mean that I am not laughing till it hurts. I especially like the Jovie-as-Vincent Van Gogh comment!! It took me a second, then I died laughing.
Well, Im at the office finishing up the last draft of the brochure, as well as the team content for the website. I have to finish it all today since I'm off to Delhi on Monday (I think you know that).
Well, on to your question...Melia and I head over to my mom and dad's tomorrow. I'm the pie-guy, so I'll get two pumpkin's in tonight and an apple in the oven tomorrow. Then on Sunday we do it at Louie's house. We have well-defined roles; Melia and I will cook and bake, others will eat.
Meg and Ben will be there, as well as Alex and his new woman, Nikki. Louie will have his lady-friend, Sandy, there as well. Wow...talk about a personnel change at the Ives/Inks thanksgivings in the last three years.
Well, Im off to focus on my last projects. Have a GREAT Indian thanksgiving!
We want your new address please - I promise I'll send a Christmas card.
Jayson, we will be at McKnight's for Thanksgiving (shades of family life!!) Jonathan and his fiancee will be there as well as Kim, and others as well.
Have fun with your folks.
I'm thankful for you and Tarrah and your amazing work in India.
Ok since you are enjoying firsts...I am getting ready to quick head home before we come back for the Thanksgiving service at TMC (the Mills Church). So I printed out the welcome and prayer I am going to give. So you guys get to hear/read it first before anybody else tonight. Pretty lucky I know because you would be surprised how many people ask to see my welcome before I give it...wait, no, actually that has never once happened.
Thanksgiving Eve Welcome
We gather tonight to remember and give thanks that the most important pilgrim did not arrive on the mayflower, but was born in a manger. Who left the splendor of the heavens to bare our sorrows that we are ourselves have created on this earth.
We give thanks to the one who created all things and through whom recreates. Restores and renews all things…Jesus the anointed one of God and the saving King of this world. It is this Jesus that gives us life and breath, it is Jesus who gives us hope, love, joy and peace. It is because of Jesus that we can walk and not faint, run and not grow weary.
We are here tonight as a community of witnesses to the sustaining, faithful, pioneering and unconquerable love of God revealed in Jesus Christ. Who is Lord of us all.
Welcome, good evening and I would you bow in prayer with me…
We come and give you thanks Oh God and our King for your love endures forever. Your faithfulness is truth and your grace and mercy surround us and confound us. We recognize that it is by your hand that gives us this gift of life to be shared in community with others. We are grateful and satisfied. We thank you oh God.
In the name of Jesus and through the Spirit we pray and together say…Amen.
love you guys,
Happy Thankgiving ~ David
Hey Guys - We've celebrated Thanksgiving early Down Under. Not because of being a day ahead timewise but because the schedule to celebrate this weekend is just too busy! We've been hosting a Thanksgiving dinner every year since we moved here (nearly 7 years ago!!) and it's become a tradition with our Aussie mates. Had 27 this year - 12 of those kids under the age of 7. Needless to say, lotsa' noise & mayhem, but lotsa' fun. That's what it's about isn't it? Spending time together & being thankful that we can spend the time together. Enjoy the feast!! Green bean casserole might not be on the menu & canned pumpkin rather difficult to find, but it's so much more than a meal. :)
Oh and Tarrah, thought of you the other day when we picked up Indian takeaway food cuz our local Indian restaurant sells those long things that begin with a 'c'...can't remember the actual name. So if you make a trek to Melbourne, just know you will have no shortage of Indian food, if you're missing it.
Happy Thanksgiving mates -
Would love to get your new address so we can keep up with you. There are 2 BIG DOGS living in your old house. (they aren't any problem tho) Guess they will never get burgled..... Miss ya and God Bless
the Kutnow clan has traveled to Philadelphia for the holiday weekend - the first time the whole family hass all been together in 2 years! After locking my keys in the car in Pittsburgh and getting pulled over for speeding in Harrisburg, I am ready for a good meal of turkey and all the trimmings, football, a nap, etc...
Have a great Thanksgiving (you probably already had it by the time I have written this)!
*Can you send us your address...I think I have it, but if you can e-mail it, that would be great!
Whenever I need a smile I read your blogs! Love the pics! Your kids are growing so fast. They are adorable.
We spent Thanksgiving with Jake & Jen & Christian & Jen's family out east. Jake's last 2 Thanksgivings were in Iraq, so this year's was extra special.
Blessings to you all!
I would like your new address. In fact I just sent you a package to your old address. I hope it gets forwarded.
I would LOVE to have your address!
hey, i missed that you were moving. i sent a christmas card to your old address . . . will it be forwarded to you. please send me your new address.
love the pictures of ani and the beautiful indian women. love your blog.
we went to spokane for 2 nights for thanksgiving. beautiful weather to cross the pass. on to chicago for christmas.
you are much in our thoughts and prayers. blessing on your ministry and family this season. look forward to pictures of the new house.
hey ya. i need your address as well! just got my christmas cards and want to send one out.
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